

noun trow·el \ˈtra(-ə)l\

: a small tool with a curved blade that is used by gardeners for digging holes

: a small tool with a flat blade that is used for spreading and smoothing mortar or plaster

Full Definition of TROWEL

:  any of various hand tools used to apply, spread, shape, or smooth loose or plastic material; also :  a scoop-shaped or flat-bladed garden tool for taking up and setting small plants

Illustration of TROWEL

Origin of TROWEL

Middle English truel, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin truella, from Latin trulla ladle
First Known Use: 13th century

Other Hardware Terms

adze, auger, awl, chock, ferrule, punch, tang


transitive verb
troweled or trowelledtrowel·ing or trowel·ling

Definition of TROWEL

:  to smooth, mix, or apply with or as if with a trowel
trow·el·er noun

First Known Use of TROWEL

circa 1670

Other Building Terms

batten, cistern, hearth, lath, transom, wainscot

Rhymes with TROWEL

TROWEL[1] Defined for Kids


noun trow·el \ˈtra-əl\

Definition of TROWEL for Kids

:  a small hand tool with a flat blade used for spreading and smoothing mortar or plaster
:  a small hand tool with a curved blade used by gardeners


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